Downtown Cranford

Cranford, NJ

This multi-family downtown redevelopment of 360 mid-rise units was established after the initial purchase of a Class B office building as an existing, interim use. Multi-family rezoning (with an affordable component) was then completed and final approvals were obtained from the township of Cranford in March of 2013.

After successful rezoning, this project was sold back to Cranford in 2017 as approved land for $18 million.

360 Residential Units Approved

About the Project

This multi-family downtown redevelopment of 360 mid-rise units was established after the initial purchase of a Class B office building as an existing, interim use. Multi-family rezoning (with an affordable component) was then completed and final approvals were obtained from the township of Cranford in March of 2013.

After successful rezoning, this project was sold back to Cranford in 2017 as approved land for $18 million.